Danger's Art Pad

Danger's Art Pad

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Coming Soon! New Comic Project

I made these character design drawings into little promos for the comic project I'm working on right now, der Hauptmann von Köpenick. The comic tells the true story of Wilhelm Voigt, an unemployed ex-con in turn of the century Prussia who got creative in deciding to pull a heist. I've been wanting to do a comic about this story for several years now, and I'm stoked that I'm finally getting to make it happen. The art should be done early this Spring, with copies available for purchase hopefully shortly after that. Keep an eye on the blog ( or follow my tumblr: http://dangersartpad.tumblr.com) for updates and additional sneak peaks! (I'll also be posting soon to introduce POISON: Pulp Zine, another cool illustrated project I'm working on that you can get your hands on late Spring/Summer 2014. Stay tuned!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I´d like to use your comics on prints and shirts if U agree.
