Danger's Art Pad

Danger's Art Pad

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Art Open Haus Leftovers!

Alright everyone, here's what I have left over from the Art Open Haus a few weeks ago. If you missed the show, now's your chance to pick originals and prints from Haus von Danger at bargain-basement prices. The prices on originals and framed prints vary ( originals as low as $13!), but Black and White Prints are $10, Color Prints $13, and Hand-colored Prints $18. If you buy three of anything, I'll include an original sketch with your purchase. If you see something you like, but want a better picture of it to help make your decision, let me know and I'll send you one. I've got PayPal and can ship, so order away! Email hausvondanger@gmail.com with any questions. KREEP YOU OUT.

Black and White Original Art

Buried Alive! (Day 4 of 31 Days of Halloween), $50
Form over Function, $60/Paths of Gory, $35

Black and White Prints

Form over Function (approx. 9"x12"), $10/ Supercub Chaos (approx. 9"x12"), $10
Two by Four (approx. 12"x15"), $10

Original Paintings

Fear no Evel (ink and acrylic on gessoed cardboard framed, approx. 12"x14"), $25/ Skull and Dracula Ghouls-in-the-Dark (Sign Painters' enamel on glow in the dark plastic, approx.6"x8"), $13 each/ Bobby Peru Sunday Head Painting (Acrylic on Ill. Board, approx. 5"x7"), $25/ Green Lady Sunday Head Painting (Acrylic on Ill. Board, approx. 6"x8"), $25/ Man's Worst Friend (Ink, Acrylic and Prismacolor on Ill. Board, approx. 12"x12"), $50

Color Prints 

The Misfit (approx. 12"x16"), $13/The Misfit (approx. 11"x15"), $13
Form over Function (approx. 12"x16"), $13

Hand Colored Prints

Two by Four (framed, approx. 12"x16"), $25/ The Misfit (Approx. 11"x15"), $18
Supercub Chaos (approx. 9"x12"), Scrambler Scum (Approx. 11"x13"), $18 each, Paths of Gory (Approx. 8"x10"), $10