I did this piece for my environments class as prep for a Zine project to come. This particular environment is a preliminary treatment of the setting in a story written by my good friend and DV brother Nate Perkins. The Zine will also feature a story from another good pal and DV brother, Charlie Wildey. I'll post updates throughout the next few months, culminating in a show/release party in the spring. Stay tuned!
Danger's Art Pad

Sunday, December 29, 2013
Sunday Sign #15- Sister's Wedding
My wonderful sister Heather got married this week, so I painted this sign for her and her new husband Darren. It was fun to do the sort of interlocking curved text, and especially challenging in that I have been trying to do everything without the aid of masking tape for my top and bottom lines recently. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, and they were too. Congrats, Heather and Darren!
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Cramps Fantasy Sleeve
This is the final for my digital illustration class. The prompt was simply to create an illustration that came from a piece of music, be it a loose interpretation or album art. I chose to do album art (specifically, a fantasy sleeve design for a 7" single), and after several other sketches, chose to go with the Cramps' cover of Dwight Pullen's rockabilly classic, "Sunglasses After Dark". In the middle image, you see my initial Cintiq color sketch, with the final product above it and the black and white line art below. The color and "Sunglasses After Dark" lettering were done in photoshop (lettering on a Cintiq is the worst thing in the world) I've got prints of this one for sale (7"x7", $5!), so get yours in before Christmas has come and gone!
Sunday Sign # 14- Hank Williams
This week's sign features lyrics from a brilliant Hank Williams song, and was fun to paint. I wanted to try out a little more free form script, and I'm happy with how it came out. Stop by next week for more Sunday Sign fun!
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Sunday Sign #13- Don't Bug Me!
I'd had this old metal flake panel kicking around for years, which I painted as a test panel for my cb125 forever ago. I always meant to letter something on it, so I finally did! Seen here with the stabilo lines still on it!
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Sunday Sign #12- Helmet for Pops
This week's Sunday Sign comes from Boise. I lettered this on the back of my Dad's MC helmet while visiting up there for Thanksgiving. My buddy Kim brought over this terrifying Santa Claus Mask from the 40's, so I thought I'd model it for the sign photo. Merry Creepsmas!
Monday, November 25, 2013
Sunday Sign #11-Work in Progress
This week's sign is just a partial, as drying times and missing materials kept it from getting done this week. I'm working on a project to shift my blog over to Tumblr (stay tuned for link!), and wanted to have a cool header for my page, so I design this. After several color sketches in photoshop from my original pencil layout, I came up with this blue, chartreuse and (soon to come) maroon pattern on lavender. It needs some touchups and tweaking, but I think it'll look pretty cool once it's done. I'll post part 2 on this as soon as it's ready. (Sign is 13''x 33'', masonite)
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Sunday Sign #10- Haircut Stuff
I got a haircut last night, and it reminded me that I've been wanting to letter something on my haircutting supplies box for quite a while. I did this one Ed Roth style, little layout and pretty fast. The vibrance of the navy blue 1shot is much more apparent in person. Unfortunately, as I was wiping the chalk from the layout off, I hit a little undried glob in the "F" and smeared process blue all over everything. I was able to clean most of it with a Q-tip full of mineral spirits, but that's what looks a little messy in the photo. "Friseur in der Kiste" is bad German for "Barber in a box".
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Recent Drawings
I just scanned through my latest posts and realized that Sunday Signs have become the majority of my blog recently. Signs are great, but here's some ink work that has happened in the last month or so.
This, like the next two, was done for my senior studio class. The theme was "London Stories"It's an illustration regarding an urban legend in London about a bricked up tunnel around the Whitechapel tube station that once led to the Royal London Hospital. As the story goes, the tunnel allowed hospital workers to load bodies onto a train that would stop at its entrance as there was no room to keep them at the hospital. People have looked around the Whitechapel station for said tunnel, though apparently no one has found it yet. (I think it's behind the skull bricks). Those lines took an awful long time to draw.
This is the most recent piece for my senior studio class. The theme was simply "Halloween", and after a month of more grisly Halloween drawing for the 31 days series on Facebook, I wanted to do something like this. That little boy is actually myself as a tyke, wearing the very same vampire cape I wore on Halloween (and then for the rest of the year). The colors in the main section were meant to evoke vintage Halloween postcards, with the thought bubble coming more from the Goosebumps books I read as a kid in the 90's.
This one is a sketch I did during class today, just goofing around with ink and col-erase.
A sort of quick goofy head done in my sketchbook the other night at one of the ever growing SLC art parties.
This is a touched-up version of the spirituality piece I did at the beginning of the semester. I inked these straight lines on vellum, then scanned them in and dropped them into the original drawing in photoshop. I like the straight lines better, but others have said they like the original.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Sunday Sign #9- Born to lose!
This week's Sunday Sign is a helmet. This is a project I started a while ago, but put the final touches on the lettering and outlined the gold leaf today so I could shoot clear on it this afternoon. I'm really happy with how the clear turned out. I've never lettered or striped with 1shot before shooting the clear before, and I think it looks pretty good. I've got a few more helmets on deck for letters and clear, so keep you eyes open for more! They're also all for sale, so if you've got a special someone (like, yourself) who's got a medium head and a freewheelin spirit, this is just the Christmas present they need!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Sunday Sign #8- Lovestruck
This is the biggest sign I've done to date. 3'x 5' black 1shot on masonite, done for a senior capstone film project of someone I don't know. A friend of mine who works in the prop shop on campus (and who is helping out with the film) mentioned to me that they needed a big sign, so I said I'd do it. (that was before I knew the town name was 15 letters long, and that they'd want all of the supplementary text in plain block, the hardest font to letter.) It was a fun learning experience though, and it turned out pretty cool, if not a little boring. I should get a better pic sometime soonish; I neglected to get one before they took it to shoot, so one of the crew was kind enough to send me this image from her cell phone.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Sunday Sign #7- 4 Days Left!
Alright, the four isn't hand-painted, it's hand inked. I forgot to paint it before I put all my paints away, and I'm a little crunched for time tonight, busy making preparations for HALLOWEEN!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Sunday Sign #6- Camp Crystal Lake
Looking for a good slasher movie? Well, Friday the 13th isn't it. Seriously one of the worst Horror movies I've ever seen. The best slasher movie of all time is Halloween. Unfortunately, Halloween doesn't have a sign to copy, so here we are.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Sunday Sign #5- Grim Grinning Ghosts!
Combined the Facebook Halloween drawing with the Sunday Sign today. The top picture makes the "grim grinning" letters look really yellow, but they're bright fluorescent orange, as you can see in the bottom image ( I used fluorescent 1shot mixed with standard 1shot on all of the colors here except for the red in the "Ghosts"). If you want to see how cool it looks in person under blacklight, come visit my dungeon!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Spirituality Snake
Here's a piece I just did for my Senior Studio class. The assignment was to create a work based around the topic of spirituality. I chose to focus my drawing on the idea of biological spirituality, or the element of spirituality that is confined to earth, the spiritual relationship between all life here, as it pertains to it's time here. I might rework a few things before the midterm re-review, and if I do, I'll post the results.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Sorry, Sunday Sign Fans...
Sorry, everybody, but I got a migraine today for the first time in a long time, and it packed quite a wallop, making the prospect of sitting in my poorly ventilated room with 1shot and thinner fumes to contend with one that I didn't care to pursue. As a small substitute, here's today's 31 days of Halloween drawing for your viewing pleasure. I've been doing these drawings every day this month and posting them on Facebook, so if you have Facebook, you should check them out! Just look up Chad Danger Lindsay and you'll see all the spookiness! (Disappointed Sunday Sign fans will no doubt notice that the text on this drawing is off center! VonDutch is rolling in his grave...) Come back next week for some serious signage!
Monday, September 30, 2013
TImpanogos sketch
Today in my Plein Air painting class, we went up Provo Canyon to paint. The scenery was astounding, as it always is up there, and I was in such awe with it all that I didn't even want to haul out all my paints; I just sort of sat on the ground and let it all soak in. I'd like to go back and paint sometime this week, but I did this little value sketch in my sketchbook just to get an impression of what was there.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Sunday Sign Painting #4- BFA!
There sure are a lot of us. (Sorry for the grainy pic, my cell phone camera was all I had on hand, and it's a little old)
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Sunday Sign Painting #3- Live Fast, Die Young!
Here's this week's sign, one that I had to hurry through a little more than I had planned, like last week. As you can see from the Stabilo scribbles , I had some trouble deciding how I wanted to lay out the "Die Young" portion. Another issue on this one was painting on raw masonite, which sucked up the 1shot and made the whole thing pretty difficult. Still fun though. Approx. 12"x 24"
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Logos for Rocky Mountain Tie and Timber
I was very excited to get to design a logo for a Boise company, Rocky Mountain Tie and Timber. They wanted something sort of old-timey, and this is what I came up with. Both the large and small shield are to go on the back and front of a company t-shirt. All of the art and text were done by hand in ink on Bristol. I'm looking forward to seeing how they look on cotton, screened by my pal Ken up in Idaho. If I can get my hands on one of the shirts, I'll put a picture up.
Sunday Signs #2- Tiptoooooe through the Tulips with Meeeeee
Tonight's Sunday Sign pays tribute to one of my Father's favorite musicians, Tiny Tim (Just kidding, Dad). For anyone who hasn't, you should see the great terrifying effect to which this song was used in the trailer for the second Insidious movie. Main item I wanted to practice tonight was the use of serifs, which I hadn't really done before (at least not large serifs on a Roman alphabet). Not quite as difficult as I had imagined, but still not super easy. Hopefully next week, I'll have more time and will be able to do at least some drop shadows or something. DON'T MISS IT!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Sunday Sign Paintings #1- "L"s
During the last Winter Semester, I painted a head study every Sunday evening in an effort to improve my head painting skills. It was a marginally successful exercise, but it was fun and at least kept me busy doing nuts and bolts stuff, which is good for me. This semester, I want to increase my proficiency in an area I've been half-assedly pursuing since I was 15: sign painting. I've produced a number of hand-lettered things in the 10 years that have passed since I first got my hands on 1shot (though I didn't get my first lettering quills until I was 18, having initially purchased the 1shot in Jr. High in my zeal to become the next VonDutch), but while many of them have had admirable qualities, I've never quite accomplished a sign that didn't have at least one or two glaring flaws (not the human errors and organic imperfections that make sign painting worthwhile, mind you, but mistakes that hurt the overall presentation). I hope to remedy that this semester by doing something I've never really done as a sign painter: practice. With no exception I can think of, every sign I've ever painted (or leather jacket, or flask, helmet, what have you) has been a piece that I've created as a finished work, for sale or display. I've never spent any real time creating signs I could just letter, then toss, stuff no one would really have to see (I'm aware of the irony of posting these practice pieces on the internet). So, this Sunday, it begins.
This week's theme: the letter "L". As I am left handed (which presents a whole slew of issues), I letter from right to left, so my hand doesn't smear the paint. This means the "L" in "LIKE", was the last one I painted. The 3 "E"'s in the sign provided the same practice I was looking for. Not quite there yet, but I figured out some things I wanted to, which was good. Tune in next week for more SIGNAGE!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Come to Big Twin this Weekend and I'll paint stuff for you!
Alright, everybody, it's down to the wire: in just 3 short days, I'll be in Boise to paint your helmets and jackets at Big Twin Motorcycles' Vintage MC show. The helmets and flask you see here are all commissions (sorry, you can't have them) that other smart folks requested that I do. Wanna look as cool as them while tearing down the road or reflecting on your bad decisions with a stainless steel best buddy (preferably not as the same time)? Don't miss your chance to see it happen live and in person! I'll have one or two helmets, some MC related prints and other odds and ends for sale at the show, but I'll have my paints at the ready to customize your gear, be it your gas tank, leathers, lid or leotard.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Howard Egan Illustration for Sunstone
Here's the second illustration I've done for Sunstone, this one for a piece about Howard Egan, a Utah pioneer who did some crazy stuff (you'll have to read the article to get the whole story). Though I believe the print version of the issue in which this illustration appears is currently available, it's not online yet. I'll post a link when it shows up.
Big Twin Biltwell Helmet!
My buddy Jake just got a 76 Airhead, so he wanted a helmet to go with it. Big Twin is a BMW motorcycle shop in Boise that's been around for a very long time, and it's where Jake works. The helmet is a new Biltwell Novelty lid, all the paint is 1shot. You folks up in Boise can see the helmet in person on the 17th at Big Twin's yearly vintage bike show. I'll be there with custom painted helmets and motorcycle prints for sale, as well as my paints to letter or pinstripe your bike, helmet, leathers or whatever else you want custom colors on. Come visit me two Saturdays from now, and see all the great bikes from around the valley (trust me, there will be good stuff there. My 450 might even make an appearance!)
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Latest Illo: Sunstone Magazine
Here's an illustration that I did for the most recent issue of Sunstone Magazine. Check out the online version of the article (with the illustration) here: https://www.sunstonemagazine.com/the-widening-tent/ All of the line work (what you see in the black and white version) is ink and brush, all the color was done in photoshop.
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