Danger's Art Pad

Danger's Art Pad

Monday, October 24, 2011

Final Inks for Cadavro

Here's what I'll be turning in for the Cadavro cover project. I'm thinking of doing a wash to get some value separation on it as well. I'm also thinking of trying a few color palettes. I'll post whatever happens.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Cadavro is a character I've been kicking around for a couple of years, and a recent character development assignment we've been doing in my narrative class has given me the opportunity to refine some of my ideas on him. What you see here are the original thumbnail, finished pencils and primary inks for our assignment to place our character in a background (most of the other students created characters which would be suited to a picture book, but I opted to do a comic cover for the assignment as Cadavro is a comic). I've also done a design spec sheet, emotions chart and sculpey bust of America's favorite reluctant undead protector of the Navajo, but those will have to be posted later. The finished inks should be up in a day or two, when I get them done.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ghost Stories Flyer Art

I did this really quick ink drawing (with a little fill and cleanup in paint) for the BYU Experimental Theatre Co.'s upcoming Halloween show, "Ghost Stories" last night. The project was pretty rushed, but it was fun to do, and it should be a fun show. Apparently, the audience will all be wearing blank masks like the ones in the drawing. Like I said, they needed the art in a hurry, so I just left them the black field at the bottom to insert whatever text they wanted. I think the show is playing the 27th and 29th in the Maeser Building, so anyone in Provo should go check it out. http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=269917439715496