Danger's Art Pad

Danger's Art Pad

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Vincent Price- Work in Progress

In honor of Vincent Price's 100th birthday (May 27), my buddy Shaky and I got together and for a Vincent Price film marathon. While we were watching, he worked on a shirt design of Cousin Eerie driving a 57' Bel Air gasser, and I worked on this:

I'd say it's about 75% done now. As with all of the other paintings I've posted, it's gouache on illustration board. I'll post the final when I finish. Below are the steps, last to first, leading up to the painting: the line transfer onto the illustration board, the tightened up value comp (which I haven't followed all that closely) and the initial sketch. Stay spooky!

Finished Creature

This is the second to last take on the Creature from the Black Lagoon gouache I've been working on for Shaky in exchange for a triumph shirt. I didn't think it looked scary or shiny enough, so I yellowed the eyes, pinkened the lips, darkened some spots and lightened others. The second image below is the result.

Here is the final, slightly more menacing version. I gave it to him tonight.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Uncle Creature

My buddy Shaky recently airbrushed a shirt with a Robert Williams design of a skeleton riding a custom Triumph that I knew I had to have as soon as I saw it. I told him I'd paint him a Creature from the Black Lagoon for a trade, and he went for it. Below are the initial sketch, a more finalized value comp, the line transfer onto the illustration board, and the Creature as he is now, without eyes and needing some touch up on the mouth and in other areas. I'll post the finished painting soon. (Note: for the Horror sticklers out there, the source image isn't actually technically the Creature from the Black Lagoon, but rather Uncle Gilbert from Munsters episode "Love Comes to Mockingbird Heights." The mask worn in the episode is most assuredly one of the Don Post "Calendar Masks" though, which were cast from the same mold as the one used in the original film.)

Monday, May 2, 2011

MTDS Covers

Here are a few of the covers I've drawn for the Zine my buddy Nate and I run, Music That Doesn't Suck. Check out full .pdfs of all six issues we've made so far at http://musicthatdoesntsuckzine.blogspot.com/ . In addition to cool interviews with such punk rock garbage as John Lydon and Roxy Epoxy and reviews of record shops from Tacoma to Mannheim, there's plenty of cool art and comix from myself and other awesome comic artists like Bryan Gomm and Nico Hualde.

Summer Previews

Both of these are a preview of work to be finished soon. The snake is for a three piece back patch set to be screened on canvas this summer, and the Madman drawing is from the back of an envelope sent to my pal and fellow lowbrow artist Shaky while he was living in Washington. The collected images of our envelope art will be put together in a book this summer as well.


The shirt design I drew up for Hells Gate Rods just hit the site for purchase, so I thought I'd post the design along with the three I did for Junkyard Jeans last summer. You can get the Hells Gate shirts at http://hellsgatehotrods.com/catalog/8 , and the Junkyard Jeans ones at their shop in Boise.


The semester's over, so I'm going on a post tirade with the stuff I've done over the last couple months. Here are two takes on Dracula, one done in ink and brush for a design project, the other is an incomplete paint study in the same trading card series as the Frankenstein below.