Danger's Art Pad

Danger's Art Pad

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

First Gouache of the Semester

This is a black and white study I did today for my first project in my Illustration class. We were given a list of possible situations to illustrate, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one in either of the classes to pick "Man holding dagger, angry." The study is done in gouache on a 4.5x6 piece of illustration board. The final will be twice the size, much more detailed and in color. I'll post that when it's done. The model is Nate Perkins, whose switchblade, ferocious glare and leather jacket are sure to make his fellow vegetarian pacifists proud.

Skizzen vom Vaterland

This are an assortment of sketches I did while in Germany. I filled 6 sketchbooks over there, so I"ll probably post stuff from them from time to time. The first one is my favorite.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Motion Lines and Smoke

 Here are some old motor-themed drawings I've done over the last two years. The first here was a sketch I did for a shirt I painted for my buddy Nate. The next was a variation on the shirt design drawn to illustrate an article on Scoot clubs in Utah for SLUG Magazine:

 These two were part of a series of T-shirt designs I started called "Ride Dead". They both have yet to see Plastisol:

This one was a sketch I did for a possible job painting the Scooter Lounge in Orem, UT:

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Aller Anfang Ist Schwer

So my good friend and better Illustrator Julia Green (juliagreenillustration.blogspot.com) talked me into putting this together. I'll try to get some of my old stuff on here and keep posting new projects as well.